Clinical Governance

Why use The Breast Clinic Network for your insourcing services?

Our priority is ensuring patient safety and delivering high quality care. We implement systems to ensure a high-quality service is provided and only experienced healthcare professionals are invited to work in your department.

We work closely with NHS Trusts that choose us for their services to ensure required quality is maintained.

Our Governance Team will ensure your governance processes are adhered to. We provide feedback and communication streams to discuss cases if required with our Governance and Clinical Team.

Our Governance Principles

Our multi-disciplinary team work to provide our robust Governance Principles and your satisfaction that we will provide a safe service.

Our Clinical Governance Framework provides the platform to ensure regular assessment of our performance so that we may continuously improve our service.

Our Key Principles

Patient Feedback

We undertake real-time client and patient feedback using this information to improve the service we provide.

Regular Operating Procedure Reviews

We review our standard operating procedures biannually in addition to reviewing them before we undertake work at a new site and have framework measures to ensure this is reflected in our practice.

Regular Audits

We regularly audit our clinical work to ensure that we operate at or above national regulatory standards.

Pro-actively Manage

We pro-actively performance manage our staff to certify compliance with agreed regulatory standards.

Regular Clinical Governance Meetings

We have a set of essential criteria required of our clinical staff to perform work at your site including regular appraisals, evidence of continuous professional development and up-to date training.


This is assessed for all our clinical staff at our regular clinical governance meetings.


All our staff are registered with their respective regulatory bodies and are DBS cleared.

Systems of Clinical Governance

Our Governance Team meets quarterly to review all quality reports and provide guidance on clinical issues, service improvement and incident investigations.

Our ethos of transparency will ensure that any concerns or issues raised are brought to the attention of our clients and patients without delay. These outcomes are openly shared with our clients.

Fully committed to continuously improve the quality of the clinical services we provide.

We have established processes (working in partnership with NHS Trusts) to ensure the following:

  • The implementation of patient-centred best practice based on national standards, guidelines and recommendations
  • Robust contracts of engagement with third parties
  • Proactive management and leadership of both clinical and non-clinical functions
  • Robust staff recruitment and individual performance reviews
  • Staff complete programmes of Continued Professional Development as appropriate
  • Continuous improvement of our quality standards
  • Mechanisms for recognising and managing poor clinical performance, based on best practice standards and guidance
  • Management framework for complaints